On October 04, 2011, Health Minister Dr Yves Bolduc announced the launch of a new CPR traiining program that requires just 30 minutes. The training is recognized by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and participants in this program will receive a certification card.


Dr Bolduc is hopeful that half of the Quebec population (about 3 million people) can be trained by this program within the next 5 years.

This program will teach how to recognize and react to:

  • choking
  • adult cardiac arrest (CPR)
  • adult cardiac arrest (use of AED)

This program is an inexpensive way to train large groups in short periods of time. Ideal for schools, large offices or companies, churches/synagogues and other community groups.

Contact us at info@cprnetwork.ca for more information.

Note: the certification provided in the 'Hero in 30' courses may not meet work requirements. Traditional CPR courses (CPR level A+, C or C+) are often needed for work or school pre-requisites.